Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mandatory E-filing of IRS forms for Tax Preparers

Posted on February 13, 2011 at 7:02 AM at my website:

Here's a quick entry to share information with other U.S. tax preparers - persons who are doing business as professional preparers of tax forms - who prepare Internal Revenue Service forms for others. Alright, you know who you are.
Mandatory e-filing of IRS forms isn't just coming. It's here! Starting this year, 2011, tax preparers who expect to prepare 100 or more returns for clients must e-file. Beginning in 2012, tax preparers who expect to prepare as few as 10 returns for clients must e-file.
The IRS link to the announcement is shown here:,,id=223832,00.html .

To e-file, a preparer must "create an e-filing account." This process starts here:,,id=222533,00.html .

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